A Mission of St. Andrew's Lutheran Church in Mahtomedi, Minnesota. We challenge women to experience wilderness activities, enjoy God's creation and meet new friends in Christian community
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Scratch and Dent Sale at REI Roseville
If you're looking for good deals, this is the place to be, but get there early for the best deals. Shop REI's Scratch & Dent sale for great deals on used and damaged merchandise. Member only sale. You can join the day of for the one-time fee of $20 to become a member of the co-op. Doors open at 10am.
Location:REI Roseville ONLY
Contact:REI Customer Service 651-635-0211
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Dogsled, Ski and Snowshoe Adventure
As many of you know, the way to dress is in layers!
Sleeping bag
Silk or polypro long underwear or
Several pairs of wool socks
Snow pants or windbreaker pants to keep the snow off
Wool or fleece pants
Windbreaker top/shell top to keep snow off
Warm winter jacket
Several pairs of mittens/gloves (whatever you prefer)
Wool or fleece shirts/sweaters
Stories/books/journals/quiet time stuff
Water bottle
Sun glasses
Additional items that may be nice to have
Bathing suit?
Slippers (no boots in buildings)
Bring a shrunken wool sweater (previously ruined) to do a project (look at Goodwill.) Scissors and a large eye needle will be useful as well.
If you have you own cross country skiis, please bring them. Please try to limit your gear to one duffle bag.
Now that I look at this list I would advise all people to pack these things and keep them packed so you can be ready to go on an adventure at a moments notice, The Minnesota summer pack list is not much different.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sons of
(Easy and Elegant, Safe Ski Adventure)
Carry a smile and see how easy it is to ski and look elegant at the same time. Norwegians have long been Nature appreciative, as well as instrumental in making the oldest tool in the world work for them in snow. Over the years, many improvements have been made in ski equipment making skiing unbelievably easy and safe. Plus, we look elegant doing it!!!
On January 30, 2010 at Hyland Hills in
5:30 PM
7:00 PM
8:30 PM
Ski sessions include demonstrations of the way to make the ski turn you, and advice will be offered for those wishing to learn this simple process. Session size will be limited to ten participants.
Participants must be 25 years old or older, and must be able to ride a chair lift, and agree to a normal liability statement.
Rental equipment is available at Hyland Hills for $19
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
All Full!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Dog Sledding at Menogyn

Wilderness Dog Sledding
Menogyn offers dog sledding as part of our winter family camp or group retreats. Come up to camp for a long weekend, stay in our heated cabins, and spend the days outside, skiing, snowshoeing, and of course, dog sledding.We have about 20 dogs that live at Menogyn from late December until early March. Many have run and finished races like the Beargrease and the Iditarod. They are some of the best-trained and well-mannered dogs in the country and love to share their role in fun, outdoor living.
Our dogs are taken care of by two mushers and two trail staff members who live and work at camp all winter. Our staff will train you on how to interact with the dogs, teach you about sled dog history, safe mushing, and take you out on a run. You'll even have the opportunity to mush your own sled if you desire.
Most groups spend 3+ nights with us in order to have a couple full days of activities. Contact Maureen (Mo) Martin at 763-230-9310 or by email for more details. [back to top]
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
.. a far off land, a nice story
The 12th Annual Climb Smart event was held on October 23-25 at the world-famous Joshua Tree National Park, California. The event is the largest gathering of the Southern California climbing community and is a great chance for everyone to come together, learn and climb in one of the most beautiful climbing areas in California. Black Diamond athlete Brittany Griffith attended the event and sent us the following report and photos.
Huddled under shade provided by the Black Diamond event tent was a motley crew of typical Climb Smart attendees. There was a marine, a retired high-powered executive, a high school sophomore, an auto mechanic, a video game designer, an office manager just like the one in the movie Office Space, a beauty school student and an aspiring guide. The conversation had effortlessly moved from how we first started climbing to our first concert, the responses reflected the multiple generations represented.
“Billy Squire and Def Leppard when I was in the 8th grade” I admitted
“Jefferson Airplane in the park!” Bill proudly stated
“New Kids On The Block!” one of them admitted and we all shrieked with laughter at this one.
We had all momentarily forgotten about the two people in my afternoon Moving On Stone clinic who weren’t hiding in the shade. Dawn from San Diego dangled on toprope, midway up a 5.6 crack. Stephen, from Yucaipa (which I ignorantly thought was in Washington state), diligently belayed the stranger, enduring the scorching sun. His shoulders were nearly as red as his gym shorts. (Thanks to Stephen for the photos in this report, too!) I patiently, for the fifth time, told her to jam her left foot, smear the right and stand up. The wall was in the direct afternoon desert sun and I honestly doubted that I would have been able to tolerate 10 feet of the climb if I had to. But she was determined. This young woman was in the morning’s “Climbing for Women” clinic that I gave and had attempted the very same crack and fared just as dreadfully. She approached me after the clinic was over and asked, with sweet sincerity, “Do you think I could be a good climber even though I’m kinda big?” I smiled at her frankness. “Of course you can” I answered simply, and honestly.
Now here Dawn was, back at it, but still struggling—and now with a dozen other people watching from 15 feet away. Without a hint of self-consciousness, her helmet askew and her tawny complexion shining with sweat, she quietly grunted and groveled at the end of the taunt toprope, struggling with the 5.6 crux. Eventually, she did jam her left foot, smear the right and stand up. She seemed stunned that the sequence worked.
Unfamiliar with climbing vernacular, she demurely asked her belayer, “Um, could you put me back down about ten feet?” Stephen seemed confused, but dutifully obeyed. She touched the smear with her right hand and pointed a finger at the jam with the other and murmured something under her breath. She then un-weighted the toprope and confidently executed the sequence.
“Yeeaaah sista! That’s called working your proj!” I screamed.
Dawn lowered, and as she untied, I watched her thoughtfully look back up at the crack. She obediently took her turn as a belayer, and then joined the crew in the shade.
“Okay you guys, we’ve got 20 more minutes left in the clinic, time for a couple more climbs.” I announced. No one seemed interested. They were fried from the heat. Dawn peeked over both shoulders and when it appeared that there were no takers, she meekly collected her shoes, strapped on her helmet and tied in. There was a collective, silent sigh from the group. “Oh boy, who is the sorry sap that’s going to have to belay in the blazing sun for the next 20 minutes.” Is what everyone must have been thinking. Inspired by her stoke, I grabbed my ATC and the other end of the rope.
“Alright! Time for the send!” I cheered.
“What’s send?” Dawn inquired.
“Do it! Climb it without falling or hanging on the rope!”
“Ah, yes, ‘send it’, okay” It seemed like she had already resolved to do just that, regardless of the terminology.
“You can get a good rest before and after the crux, so take advantage of it. You remember your sequence, don’t you?” I coached her like she was attempting a 5.13c.
“Ummm…” Dawn stammered. I thought I might have flustered her with my overly enthusiastic spaz out.
Then she slowly made her way up the crack, paused quickly at the crux and, with fire in her veins, she sent.
I couldn’t believe it. Shrieking like a diehard Raiders fan, I speed lowered her and then nearly knocked her over with a bear hug. I was so proud of her. The newly revived crowd of Climb-Smarters gathered around Dawn to congratulate her. It was like she had kicked the winning field goal in the Super Bowl.
There are dozens of grassroots climbing events out there. Trust me, I’ve been to dozens of them and I have to admit Climb Smart does not have the glitter and glam of most. It doesn’t have shirtless 5.14 superstars bouldering on plastic. There are no performances by bands from Austin, no Sumo wrestling or slacklining, and not a single free keg of beer from Fat Tire.
The 15th Annual Climb Smart 2009 was a lot like the past 15 Climb Smarts: semi-unorganized, brutally hot and attended by an eclectic collection of super motivated climbers. And you know what... I wouldn’t want it any other way.
— Brittany Griffith
Monday, November 2, 2009
Get on the BUS!

Here's the pitch! Just click the link to sign up.
This year we will journey up to YMCA Camp Menogyn with The God LovingOutdoor Women (GLOW) of Trinity Lutheran Church. We travel by coach bus, stay in cozy cabins and eat family style meals so we are rested and energized to revel in sparkling days of outside fun in God'sbeautiful wilderness. Registration begins Nov. 1 at 8 a.m. The cost is $240. $100 deposit reserves your spot. Call Lisa Banning Ender 651-762-9139 for encouragement or register online.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Anyone want to do this with me?
11/1/2009 10:00 AM
Start your Thanksgiving feast with a healthy first course!
This festive holiday tradition starts with a morning fun run and walk for people of all ages.
Register at any local REI store now - November 25th and you'll receive an REI coupon!
The actual event is Thanksgiving Day, November 26th, 2009.
5K Run - 8:20 AM
5K Walk - 8:30 AM
Kids Carnival - 7:30 AM
Please note that runners with strollers, children and dogs must start with the walkers.
Register at REI and receive your race number, commemorative t-shirt and an REI 15% Off One Regular Price Item coupon.
The Life Time Fitness Foundation is encouraging all race participants and spectators to bring a non perishable food item to the race site to support Second Harvest Heartland.
There is also a fun Kids' Carnival. Kids' ages 3-8 years old will enjoy the Kids Carnival featuring fun fitness activities and games plus their very own indoor Turkey Day Kids K. This portion of the event runs from 7:30 AM - 10 AM and is located in the Target Center gym. Admission costs $5 per child and at least one parent/guardian must be registered for the Turkey Day 5K. Event morning registration only.
Childcare will be available for a limited number of children ages 6 - 36 months. No fee required for childcare.
Location:Target Center in Downtown Minneapolis, 600 1st Ave N
Contact:Peter Spencer 952.229.7330
Cost:Non Life Time Fitness Members $23, Lifetime Fitness Members $20, Kids 17 & under $15 - Price goes up for day of registration
Registration Required? Yes. Register in person at any local REI and you'll receive an REI coupon. You can also register online or via mail-in form.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Marmot Presents Beth Rodden's Weather Transition Workshop
11/3/2009 7:00 PM
Join us for an inspiring presentation from Beth Rodden, world renowned climber, who will share her wisdom on dressing to be comfortable in colder weather conditions.
During her travels, world-class climber Beth Rodden has come to know how a woman's body can experience heat loss during ever-changing fall weather.
That's why you're invited to join her as she tells stories and shares an incredible slide show about her climbs, and how to dress best for fall weather.
After the presentation, Beth will walk you through the store to help you find the right clothing for your adventure.
* Location:REI Bloomington
* Contact:Customer Service 952-884-4315 x. 9
* Cost: Free
* Registration Required? No.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Pulling Together!
This year we will journey up to YMCA Camp Menogyn with The God LovingOutdoor Women (GLOW) of Trinity Lutheran Church. We travel by coachbus, stay in cozy cabins and eat family style meals so we are restedand energized to revel in sparkling days of outside fun in God'sbeautiful wilderness. Registration begins Nov. 1 at 8 a.m. You may choose your room upon registration. The cost is $240. $100 deposit reserves your spot. Call Lisa Banning Ender 651-762-9139 for encouragement or register online.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I Am Almost Old Enough, I Can't Wait!
I ran into some great Women on a recent canyoneering trip in Utah. Click here to go to the website of The Great Old Broads for Wilderness
At 49, I am old enough to be a Training Broad.
I think to a politician there could be no group more intimidating. and they can be pretty chatty after a couple of beers.
Sign our petition to Sen. Orrin Hatch letting him know that you support Great Old Broads for Wilderness' efforts to keep roadless areas roadless. Letting him know that we, of a certain age, don't want to be used as an excuse to punch roads into wilderness.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
This looks like fun!
Join our fun and unique 26-mile bicycle ride to explore the beautiful St. Croix National Scenic Riverway.
WHAT: Tour de St. Croix, Sierra Club's 14th Annual Land Use Conference on Wheels
WHEN: Saturday, September 19, Registration at 9:15 a.m.; Ride begins at 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: Starts and ends at Oak Park Elementary School, 6355 Osman Ave. N., Stillwater, MN
REGISTRATION: $25 ($30 day of) includes snacks, lunch, mechanical and vehicle support, Map and marked route, expert guest speakers, Tour de St. Croix t-shirt, and end-of-ride entertainment. $15 ($20 day of) without a t-shirt.
Click here to register now and save $5!
Route highlights include a leisurely ride through Oak Park Heights, Bayport, Lakeland, Afton and Lake St. Croix Beach; view bison at the Belwin Conservancy; explore a conservation development; and enjoy local food, music and zero waste!
Hope to see you Saturday!
Joshua HoudekLand Use and Transportation OrganizerSierra Club North Star Chapter612-659-9124 x307
P.S. Help spread the word! Please forward this message to 5 of your bike-riding friends.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Fall Colors Paddle and Hike
Monday, August 31, 2009
St.Paul Classic
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Dogsled, Ski and Snowshoe Adventure
Take part in our annual journey to YMCA's Camp Menogyn. Revel in God's creation and connect with other women from St. Andrew’s and beyond while renewing your spirit and in the beautiful north woods, off the Gunflint Trail in Northern Minnesota. Opportunities abound for you to cross-country ski, snowshoe, hike and of course, dogsled. Everyone will get a chance to experience dog sledding and the dogs live right there so you can also learn and participate in their care and feeding as well. A van will be available to take skiers to the world famous trails at Bearskin Lodge. Cozy indoor lodging, most equipment, delicious food and coach transportation is included in the $230 fee. A non-refundable deposit of $100 is required. Signups will be accepted beginning Nov. 1 at 8:00 a.m. This trip is led by Carrin Mahmood and Lisa Ender.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Now Planning for 2010
Daring Divas at Midwest Mountaineering
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
(Ann) Marie’s Health Bars
¼ c. + 2 tablespoons flour
1/8 tsp. Baking soda
1/8 tsp. Baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
Combine above. Add:.
¼ c. + 2 tablespoons brown sugar:
1 &1/2 cups organic?, whole, pitted dates (cut in thirds)
1 & ½ cups chopped dried apricots (from bin at Cub) cut in half
2 cups chopped walnuts (from bin at Cub) don’t chop too small
Combine with flour mixture until coated.
Beat 1 egg with 1 tsp. Vanilla. Combine and mix with flour/fruit/nut mixture.
Line 8 x 8 pan with parchment or wax paper on bottom and 2 sides.
Evenly distribute bar mixture in pan and pat with rubber spatula or hand.
Cook for 35 to 40 minutes or until golden brown. Let cool completely before cutting in small squares. They do tend to fall apart easily.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Dragon Boat 2009 Radio Version
The audio track on this video slide show was recorded from the live broadcast of the 2nd heat by WTIP radio.
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Next Big Thing
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Bible says...
Two are better than one, because they have good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift the other up; but woe to one who is alone and fall and does not have another to help. And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not is not quickly broken.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Women on the Ledge 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Climbing Outside in May!
It's Spring!
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prestAgainst the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wearA nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Joyce Kilmer
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Climb Until Your Dream Comes True
Often your tasks will be many,
and more than you think you can do
Often the road will be rugged
and the hills insurmountable, too
Always remember, the hills ahead
Are never as steep as they seem,
And with faith in your heart start upward
And climb 'till you reach your dream,
Nothing in life that is worthy
Is ever too hard to achieve
If you have the courage to try it
And you have the faith to believe...
Faith is a force that is greater
Than knowledge or power or skill
And many defeats turn to triumph
If you trust in God's wisdom and will
Faith is a mover of mountains,
There's nothing that God cannot do,
So start out today with faith in your heart
And Climb Until Your Dream Comes True.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Women on the Ledge-Step 2- Basic Outdoor Rock-climbing
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Eagle Mountain is Minnesotas highest peak....
Harrisburg, PA – March 10, 2009 – The American Foundation for Children with AIDS (AFCA, www.helpchildrenwithAIDS.org) announced the dates for their United States event, “Climb Up the 50”.
“Climb Up the 50” is part of the Climb Up So Kids Can Grow Up group of events that support AFCA. Although other events that have been going strong for the past three years have been worldwide, this is a USA-based only event, inviting outdoor enthusiasts anywhere in USA to participate.
Climb Up the 50 is another “viral event” by AFCA, which means that there is not one location that the event will take place. In fact, hikers, climbers, cyclists, and runners from each of the 50 states will “climb” to the highest peak in their state to show that they are united in fighting AIDS. These individuals and teams will also raise funds for the AFCA by having friends, family, and co-workers sponsor them and their climb. All proceeds will go to American Foundation for Children with AIDS and help HIV+ children in Sub-Saharan Africa by providing them with medication, food and supplies that they desperately need.
Justin Wood, who climbed Denali in 2008 as part of Climb Up the 50 stated, “We felt great joy and pride when, after a very long summit day, we moved to the top and set foot on the 20,320’ summit of North America. We were very excited to use the moment to draw attention to the AIDS epidemic.
“We are convinced that ending the epidemic is possible. In the meantime, education of and compassion from the general public will help those who have been stricken survive and live good lives.
“We hope to inspire people to see themselves as part of a team on a very long expedition. We hope each will make a long-term commitment to reach our summit goal of helping these young people live fruitful lives. We hope the members of the bigger team to fight AIDS will make the fight against AIDS an ongoing part of their lives by contributing each month, whether $10, $50 or whatever they can afford. That’s the hope and commitment we want to pass on to you. If we can reach a goal like summiting Denali under difficult conditions in an arctic environment, we are convinced we can succeed in helping these kids live to see a tomorrow. Let’s do it!”This year, the climbs across USA can take place on any day from May 23 to May 31, 2009. Memorial Day finds itself within that time frame and AFCA hopes that the holiday will be to their advantage in acquiring many people to participate in this exciting event.
You can find the highest peak in your state by visiting the Highpointers Club at http://highpointers.org/us-highpoint-guide/
People interested in representing their state this summer are asked to register on the Climb Up So Kids Can Grow Up web site, www.climbupsokidscangrowup.com or call AFCA at (717) 798-8335.
About Climb Up So Kids Can Grow Up and American Foundation for Children with AIDSClimb Up So Kids Can Grow Up is a series of global climbing events to raise money for the American Foundation for Children with AIDS. The Kilimanjaro Climb in September 2009 will be the first African trek.
The American Foundation for Children with AIDS (AFCA) is a not-for-profit foundation providing medical supplies and aid to children in countries hardest hit by HIV/AIDS including Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe. For more information or to make a donation, please go to www.helpchildrenwithaids.org.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wait out the Winter.....
Monday, February 9, 2009
Climbing the Walls!

Women on the Ledge Step 1- Basic Indoor Rock-climbing
Sunday, February 22 12:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.
This introductory lesson is designed to introduce newcomers to the exciting sport of rock climbing. This is your chance, give it a try. You can do this! Please register by February 20. The fee of $25 includes a harness and instruction. Climbing shoes are available for an extra $4. We will meet at St. Andrew's and car pool to Vertical Endeavors in St. Paul for an afternoon of sport climbing fun. Sign up at http://www.saintandrews.org/.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Prayer for Today, Breathe....
Let me be alert to the yearnings that you have placed within me and let me know that you will satify the desires of my heart.
Let me be attentive to the yearnings that you have planted in every human being and let be sure of what will fulfil them.
Let me be guided by your wisdom, O Christ
Celtic Benediction