Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bras across the St. Croix -Save the Tatas!

Several Women on the Edge were spotted at this Breast Cancer fund raising events sponsored by Cities97 and Lee Valsvik. They collected enough bras to cross the St. Croix River 3 times! and we helped. Who was there? Sam, Donna, Karen, Emily, Mary and Lisa that's who. check out the photos.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

We're #2! We're #2! Love Wins!

The Dragon Boat Team has returned from the North Shore victoriously once more! We were a testimony to the power of fire, water and the love of God all over Grand Marais. You will find a slide show posted here. However you may notice that there are no actual Dragon Boating Pictures. That's cuz I was buzyt paddling like a mad woman! Send your photos to me and I will add them to the slide show. It was a great weekend, ladies! I feel blessed to know each and everyone of you!

Monday, July 21, 2008

a little poetry

"Come to the edge.
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It's too high.
Come to the edge.
And they came,
And we pushed,
And they flew."

Christopher Logue

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Absolute Rage in Grand Marais

The latest fashion designed by the resident artist on the Women on the Edge Dragon Boat Team. Check out all our fun fashions at the race!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Living in Christ & Mountain Top Experiences

Philippians 1:27 Whatever happens, Conduct yourselves worthy of the Gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit contending as one man for the faith of the gospel

In order to live in Christ and stand firm in the gospel as this text encourages us to do, we all need spiritual refueling, we need to be recharged, we need to visit the wise man on top of the mountain for some answers. Jesus went to the mountain top to pray, Noah’s Ark came to rest there, Moses experienced the burning bush there. It’s a thin place between heaven and earth,. We feel as if we can reach out and touch the hand of God. That’s great, do it. Go to the mountain top.
But we can’t live on a mountain top, the air molecules are very far apart and there are no trees, like the moon a great place to visit but you just can’t live there. We are charged to go out, to be salt and light, be in the world and not of it. Be the gospel!

Lord, Please grant me the opportunity for a mountain top experience, wherever I may be. Fill me up so that I can be a blessing in your world. Amen.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Kayak and Canoe the St. Croix River

What a great day. Perfect temperatures. Great companionship. And a hefty amount of wind to make us feel out on the edge! The gals created a wonderful buffet on my overturned kayak and we feasted on all of it. Thank you to all 11 intrepid travelers.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Canoe this Sunday! How to get there.

Getting There
From the South: Take I-35 north. Take the Taylors Falls Exit, Hwy 8 East. Follow 8 approximately 22 miles. The entrance to the park office is located on the right hand side of the road 1.5 miles before downtown Taylors Falls. Here is the link fto a fine map if you would like it!

St. Croix Kayak and Canoe, This Sunday.

The forecast call for... Well a little prayer might be in order here. But isolated means hit ot miss to me. Just adds to the adventure. There are nearly 10 signed up. We plan go from Taylors Falls to Oceola. If the river is still high and the current fast, maybe we will go all the way to William O'Brien State Park. We can meet at the canoe launch at Interstate Park.

Here is a map.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Paddles UPdate! Dragon Boat 2008

Tentmates are assigned, Carpool arranged! Our theme this year is "Fire and Water" I will provide the flame colored t-shirts, you can create some "flaming hearwear" for yourself and bring a squirt gun. We still need 2 more paddlers! Is anyone intersted in a practice on White Bear?